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Rebol 3 fork today

Greetings! Are there forks of Rebol 3 that are actively developing and being developed to this day? Except for the Oldes version. Atronix, as I understand it, has already stopped the development of its version. Are there any more?

posted by:   Sergey_Vl     13-May-2023/4:28:55-7:00

Ren-C seems to be making regular Github commits.

posted by:   Nick     16-May-2023/9:40:03-7:00

Thanks, I forgot about that. Ren-C is more like a research project than a consumer one.

posted by:   Sergey_Vl     17-May-2023/18:21:26-7:00

Ren-C is not REBOL not even close. It might look like REBOL but it is not. The maker of it, a rather hostile dick(ens), still does not understand REBOL.
He might be a quality C coder, but no doubt many high-quality Linux kernel C coders would challenge that thought.
While he is free to criticize the C-code of REBOL, he is in error to criticize concepts as "design flaws" when he does not understand the design.
Here is a prime example of him not understanding REBOL.
First, from the REBOL/Core Users Guide For REBOL Version 2.3
"If a block contains multiple expressions, only the result of the last expression is returned"
So the Ren-C guy thinks this should return 10 rather than what it does, rightly, 20. He is on record stating so. He has given talks about this. The code below is his (not mine), which he uses thinking that it supports his false complaint.
R E B O L []
my-if: func [condition body] [
     either condition [do body] [none]
test: does [
     my-if true [return 10]
It returns 20 because the block! after does gets evaluated and 20 is the last value of block!
If he understood REBOL and wishing to return 10, he would have done this:
R E B O L []
my-if: func [condition body] [
     either condition [do body] [none]
test: does [
     x: my-if true [return 10]
OR he simply could do
test2: does [
    my-if true [return 10]

posted by:   John     6-Sep-2024/11:17:29-7:00

A child can see that this example does NOT return anything. No function has been called by this code ;-)

posted by:   Arnold     7-Sep-2024/2:07:48-7:00



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