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text-list help required

I have started learning Rebol R2 based on the videos of books made by Nick. I have developed a simple database as a proof of concept of my learning. I am having problem with the text-list [search-list] in this program. The scroll function on the text-list is not working. Please guide.
R E B O L [title: "Address Book - AnikaSOFT 2024"]
save-block: copy []
read-block: copy []
current-index: 0
loaded: 0
editOn: 0
firstRun: 1
; Function to create the address-book.csv file with a dummy record if it doesn't exist
init-address-book: does [
     if not exists? %address-book.csv [
         write %address-book.csv "John Doe,555-1234,john.doe@example.com^/"
load-data: does [
     if firstRun [
         init-address-book ; Ensure the file is initialized
         write/binary %backup.csv read %address-book.csv
         firstRun: 0
     read-block: copy []
     read-block: read/lines %address-book.csv
     loaded: 1
search-names: func [query] [
     if empty? trim query [return none]
     result-block: copy []
     either (trim query) = "all" [
         foreach record read-block [            
                 append result-block first parse record ","
         foreach record read-block [
             if find/any record query [
                 append result-block first parse record ","
     return result-block
display-contact: func [index] [
     current-index: index
     rno/text: to-string current-index
     show rno
     temp: parse read-block/:current-index ","
     f1/text: temp/1
     show f1    
     f2/text: temp/2
     show f2
     f3/text: temp/3
     show f3
view center-face layout [
     backcolor mint
     across ; Arrange panes side by side
     ; Left Pane
     left-pane: panel 250x400 gold [
         origin 10x10
         btn "Load" [
             if loaded = 1 [exit]
             current-index: 1
             display-contact current-index
         text "Search by Name:"
         search-field: field "" 200
         btn "Search" [
             if loaded = 0 [exit]
             if editOn = 1 [exit]    
             results: search-names search-field/text
             either none? results [
                 alert "No results found."
                 search-list/data: results
                 show search-list
         search-list: text-list [
             if editOn = 1 [exit]        
             foreach record read-block [
                 if find/part record value length? value [
                     current-index: index? find read-block record
                     ;print current-index
                     display-contact current-index
     ; Right Pane
     right-pane: panel 450x400 gold [
         origin 5x5
         text "Name" f1: field return
         text "Phone" f2: field return
         text "Email" f3: field return
         btn "New" [
             if loaded = 0 [exit]
             if editOn = 1 [exit]        
             rno/text: to-string ((length? read-block) + 1)
             show rno
             f1/text: ""
             show f1        
             f2/text: ""
             show f2
             f3/text: ""
             show f3
             btn-save/size: 43x22
             show btn-save
             btn-cancel/size: 43x22
             show btn-cancel
             editOn: 1
         btn-save: btn "Save" [
             save-block: copy []
             if empty? trim f1/text [f1/text: "-"]
             if empty? trim f2/text [f2/text: "-"]
             if empty? trim f3/text [f3/text: "-"]
             append save-block f1/text
             append save-block ","
             append save-block f2/text
             append save-block ","
             append save-block f3/text
             append save-block newline    
             write/binary/append %address-book.csv save-block
             alert "Saved"
             btn-save/size: 0x0
             show btn-save
             btn-cancel/size: 0x0
             show btn-cancel
             editOn: 0
         btn-cancel: btn "Cancel" [
             btn-cancel/size: 0x0
             show btn-cancel
             btn-save/size: 0x0
             show btn-save
             editOn: 0
             display-contact current-index
         do [
             btn-save/size: 0x0
             btn-cancel/size: 0x0
         btn-edit: btn "Edit" [
             if loaded = 0 [exit]
             if editOn = 1 [exit]
             btn-editSave/size: 43x22
             show btn-editSave
             btn-editCancel/Size: 43x22
             show btn-editCancel
             editOn: 1                
         btn-editSave: btn "Save" [
             editOn: 0
             if empty? trim f1/text [f1/text: "-"]
             if empty? trim f2/text [f2/text: "-"]
             if empty? trim f3/text [f3/text: "-"]
             updated-record: copy []
             append updated-record f1/text
             append updated-record f2/text
             append updated-record f3/text
             read-block/:current-index: rejoin [updated-record/1 "," updated-record/2 "," updated-record/3]
             write/lines %address-book.csv read-block
             alert "Record updated!"
             btn-editSave/size: 0x0
             show btn-editSave
             btn-editCancel/size: 0x0
             show btn-editCancel        
         btn-editCancel: btn "Cancel" [
             btn-editCancel/size: 0x0
             show btn-editCancel
             btn-editSave/size: 0x0
             show btn-editSave
             editOn: 0
             display-contact current-index
         do [
             btn-editSave/size: 0x0
             btn-editCancel/size: 0x0
         btn-delete: btn "Delete" [
             if loaded = 0 [exit]
             if editOn = 1 [exit]
             temp: do [request "Really want to delete?"]
             if not temp [exit]
             f1/text: "-"
             show f1
             f2/text: "-"
             show f2
             f3/text: "-"
             show f3
             updated-record: copy []
             append updated-record f1/text
             append updated-record f2/text
             append updated-record f3/text
             read-block/:current-index: rejoin [updated-record/1 "," updated-record/2 "," updated-record/3]
             write/lines %address-book.csv read-block
             alert "Record deleted!"
         btn "First" [
             if loaded = 0 [exit]
             if editOn = 1 [exit]
             current-index: 1
             display-contact current-index
         btnPrev: btn "Prev" [
             if loaded = 0 [exit]
             if editOn = 1 [exit]
             if current-index > 1 [
                 current-index: current-index - 1
                 display-contact current-index
         ; {key keycode [left] [
         ;    do-face btnPrev 1
         rno: field to-string current-index 30        
         btnNext: btn "Next" [
             if loaded = 0 [exit]
             if editOn = 1 [exit]
             if current-index < length? read-block [
                 current-index: current-index + 1
                 display-contact current-index
         ;{key keycode [right] [
         ;    do-face btnNext 1
         btn "Last" [
             if loaded = 0 [exit]
             if editOn = 1 [exit]
             current-index: length? read-block
             display-contact current-index

posted by:   neuropsych     25-Aug-2024/8:44:59-7:00

Wow, this makes me realize how long it's been since I've worked with Rebol. I don't remember how to set this up properly, but creating a dummy list and showing that list by default will make the scroll function:
repeat i 1000 [append dummydata:[] ""]
search-list: text-list data dummydata [
Hopefully that's a useful workaround for the moment

posted by:   Nick     27-Aug-2024/9:28:16-7:00

I should put a disclaimer on my tutorials to clarify that my position about using Rebol has changed, and that I now recommend other tools.

posted by:   Nick     27-Aug-2024/9:31:59-7:00

Thanks Nick. Before you responded, I went through the posts in the forum and figured out that search-list/update works. Following is the complete working code for this app.
R E B O L [title: "Address Book - AnikaSOFT 2024"]
save-block: copy []
read-block: copy []
current-index: 0
loaded: 0
editOn: 0
firstRun: 1
; Function to create the address-book.csv file with a dummy record if it doesn't exist
init-address-book: does [
     if not exists? %address-book.csv [
         write %address-book.csv "John Doe,555-1234,john.doe@example.com,rebol.com^/"
load-data: does [
     if firstRun [
         init-address-book ; Ensure the file is initialized
         write/binary %backup.csv read %address-book.csv
         firstRun: 0
     read-block: copy []
     read-block: read/lines %address-book.csv
     ;foreach record read-block [
     ;    print record
     loaded: 1
search-names: func [query] [
     if empty? trim query [return none]
     result-block: copy []
     counter: 0
     foreach record read-block [
         counter: counter + 1
         append result-block rejoin [counter " " (first parse/all record ",")]
     result-block2: copy []
     if not query = "all" [
         foreach record result-block [
             if find/any record query [
                 append result-block2 record
             result-block: copy result-block2
     return result-block
display-contact: func [index] [
     current-index: index
     rno/text: to-string current-index
     show rno
     temp: parse/all read-block/:current-index ","
     ;probe temp
     f1/text: temp/1
     ;if f1/text = "-" [
     ;    current-index: current-index + 1
     ;    display-contact current-index
     show f1    
     f2/text: temp/2
     show f2
     f3/text: temp/3
     show f3
     temp/4: replace/all temp/4 "" newline
    temp/4: replace/all temp/4 "" ","
    f4/text: temp/4
    show f4        
view center-face layout [
     backcolor mint ;request-color
     ;box 707x3 white    
     banner "Address Book" white
     ;box 707x3 white    
     across ; Arrange panes side by side
     ; Left Pane
     left-pane: panel 250x400 gold [
         origin 10x10
         btn "Load" [
             if loaded = 1 [exit]
             current-index: 1
             display-contact current-index
         text "Search by Name:"
         search-field: field "" 200
         btn "Search" [
             if loaded = 0 [exit]
             if editOn = 1 [exit]    
             results: search-names search-field/text
             either none? results [
                 alert "No results found."
                 search-list/data: results
                 show search-list
         search-list: text-list [
             if editOn = 1 [exit]
             breakOut: 0    
             current-index: to-integer first parse value " "
             display-contact current-index
     ; Right Pane
     right-pane: panel 450x400 gold [
         origin 5x5
         text "Name" f1: field return
         text "Phone" f2: field return
         text "Email" f3: field return
         text "Notes" f4: area 375 wrap return
         btn "New" [
             if loaded = 0 [exit]
             if editOn = 1 [exit]        
             rno/text: to-string ((length? read-block) + 1)
             show rno
             clear-face f1        
             show f1        
             clear-face f2
             show f2
             clear-face f3
             show f3
             clear-face f4
             show f4
             btn-save/size: 43x22
             show btn-save
             btn-cancel/size: 43x22
             show btn-cancel
             editOn: 1
         btn-save: btn "Save" [
             save-block: copy []
             if empty? trim f1/text [f1/text: "-"]
             if empty? trim f2/text [f2/text: "-"]
             if empty? trim f3/text [f3/text: "-"]
             if empty? trim f4/text [f4/text: "-"]
             append save-block f1/text
             append save-block ","
             append save-block f2/text
             append save-block ","
             append save-block f3/text
             append save-block ","
             temptext: replace/all f4/text newline ""
             temptext: replace/all f4/text "," ""    
             append save-block temptext
             append save-block newline    
             write/binary/append %address-book.csv save-block
             alert "Saved"
             btn-save/size: 0x0
             show btn-save
             btn-cancel/size: 0x0
             show btn-cancel
             editOn: 0
             display-contact length? read-block
         btn-cancel: btn "Cancel" [
             btn-cancel/size: 0x0
             show btn-cancel
             btn-save/size: 0x0
             show btn-save
             editOn: 0
             display-contact current-index
         do [
             btn-save/size: 0x0
             btn-cancel/size: 0x0
         btn-edit: btn "Edit" [
             if loaded = 0 [exit]
             if editOn = 1 [exit]
             btn-editSave/size: 43x22
             show btn-editSave
             btn-editCancel/Size: 43x22
             show btn-editCancel
             editOn: 1                
         btn-editSave: btn "Save" [
             editOn: 0
             if empty? trim f1/text [f1/text: "-"]
             if empty? trim f2/text [f2/text: "-"]
             if empty? trim f3/text [f3/text: "-"]
             if empty? trim f4/text [f4/text: "-"]
             updated-record: copy []
             append updated-record f1/text
             append updated-record f2/text
             append updated-record f3/text
             temptext: replace/all f4/text newline ""
             temptext: replace/all f4/text "," ""
             append updated-record temptext    
             read-block/:current-index: rejoin [updated-record/1 ","
                                                 updated-record/2 ","
                                                 updated-record/3 ","
             write/lines %address-book.csv read-block
             alert "Record updated!"
             btn-editSave/size: 0x0
             show btn-editSave
             btn-editCancel/size: 0x0
             show btn-editCancel    
             display-contact current-index
         btn-editCancel: btn "Cancel" [
             btn-editCancel/size: 0x0
             show btn-editCancel
             btn-editSave/size: 0x0
             show btn-editSave
             editOn: 0
             display-contact current-index
         do [
             btn-editSave/size: 0x0
             btn-editCancel/size: 0x0
         btn-delete: btn "Delete" [
             if loaded = 0 [exit]
             if editOn = 1 [exit]
             temp: do [request "Really want to delete?"]
             if not temp [exit]
             f1/text: "-"
             show f1
             f2/text: "-"
             show f2
             f3/text: "-"
             show f3
             f4/text: "-"
             show f4
             updated-record: copy []
             append updated-record f1/text
             append updated-record f2/text
             append updated-record f3/text
             append updated-record f4/text
             read-block/:current-index: rejoin [updated-record/1 ","
                                                 updated-record/2 ","
                                                 updated-record/3 ","
             write/lines %address-book.csv read-block
             alert "Record deleted!"
         btn "First" [
             if loaded = 0 [exit]
             if editOn = 1 [exit]
             current-index: 1
             display-contact current-index
         btnPrev: btn "Prev" [
             if loaded = 0 [exit]
             if editOn = 1 [exit]
             if current-index > 1 [
                 current-index: current-index - 1
                 display-contact current-index
         ; {key keycode [left] [
         ;    do-face btnPrev 1
         rno: field to-string current-index 30        
         btnNext: btn "Next" [
             if loaded = 0 [exit]
             if editOn = 1 [exit]
             if current-index < length? read-block [
                 current-index: current-index + 1
                 display-contact current-index
         ;{key keycode [right] [
         ;    do-face btnNext 1
         btn "Last" [
             if loaded = 0 [exit]
             if editOn = 1 [exit]
             current-index: length? read-block
             display-contact current-index
Regarding -> "I should put a disclaimer on my tutorials to clarify that my position about using Rebol has changed, and that I now recommend other tools."
Yes, I have noticed that, however I want to learn REBOL well so that I can later understand Red well.

posted by:   neuropsych     27-Aug-2024/14:34:02-7:00

You motivated me to write a contacts example for https://learnsqlpage.com/sqlpage_quickstart.html
simple version:
version with many features:
Aside from all the nice features and the fact that this makes use of the most established database systems in the industry, which are compliant in almost any environment, to me, the ability to run apps like this on virtually any device (iOS, Android, Chromebook, Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc.), along with the multi-user nature of it, makes this platform absolutely rock solid. And the fact that so little code is required and so many of the most common features just work out of the box, and that everything about the system is easily extensible, all using the most prominent and established front-end and back-end technologies - all together make this hard to beat.

posted by:   Nick     28-Aug-2024/22:14:02-7:00

Wow! Sql page does look very interesting. I would also like to give it a spin.

posted by:   neuropsych     29-Aug-2024/11:02:11-7:00



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